Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Child's Age
Expected Behavior
Expected Completion*
Birth to
Pupils react identically to light changes
Blinks at sudden light or object moving toward face
Looks at people (faces) and objects momentarily or longer
1 to 2 months
Stares at people or objects
Responds to people's faces
Eyes follow a moving person or near object
Seeks lighted areas
2 mos.
2 to 3 months
Inspects own hands
Eyes follow an object 180 degrees
Demands light for vision
3 mos.
3 to 4 months
Eyes move in active inspection of body,
people, toys, surroundings
Looks at objects placed in hand (beginning eye-hand coordination)
Inspects own hands
4 mos.
4 to 5 months
Smiles in response to familiar adult
Reaches for objects at least 1 foot away
Notices small food objects at least 1 foot away
5 mos.
5 to 6 months
Eyes move together all the time
Brings objects to mouth, looks at them, then looks into space
Smiles at or pats mirror image
6 mos.
6 to 8 months
Picks up or touches small objects with "raking" motion
Searches for hidden objects
Shows color preference for reds and yellows
Looks for dropped toys
8 mos.
8 to 10 months
Notices details of an object such as
facial features on a doll, holes in a pegboard, geometric shapes
Reaches for string
10 mos.
10 to 12 months
Understands and accomplishes vision
related motor tasks such as stacking
blocks, puffing pegs into round holes,
crawling, standing, walking
12 mos.
1 to 2 years
Identifies geometric forms by placing
blocks in appropriately shaped holes
Shows interest in pictures
Scribbles on paper
2 yrs.
2 to 3 years
Finds object that move out of sight
without following its path
Recalls visual images
Puts together six-piece puzzles or matches
objects out of six pairs of items
3 yrs.
3 to 4 years
Copies geometric figures Reading readiness present - responds to vision/speech-sound coordination activities like the television programs "Sesame Street" and "Electric Company"
4 yrs.

4 to 5 years
Recognizes names or colors
5 yrs.
5 to 6 years
Tells the difference in color shades
Depth perception fully developed
Vision approaches adult's
6 yrs.
If a child cannot perform at least two of the age-level tasks by the expected completion age, that child should be taken to an eye specialist for examination.
**Visually unresponsive
**Holds things very close to see them
**Bumps into large objects
**Cannot pick up small objects with accuracy
**Favors one eye when looking at objects
**One or both eyes turn in or out for noticeable periods of time
**Squints or closes one eye frequently 

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